Hey Frost

(in answer to your last question) that does make sense. I still love what I've seen from WC, but I am still of the mindset that men fight and not styles; thusly I can definitely see where a WC man, who wants to be a better all-round fighter, might improve.

I know what you mean about northern systems (hell even our basic tan tui has lots of clinch-work/throw-entry/understanding, etc., but I look to alot of southern systems for in-fighting things outside of what our system has, so it makes sense that a decent ground game can help.


I am still not convinced at the WC-specific picking on. Does it boil down to the fact that a few loud mouths of wc got into the cage and got creamed? I don't really think that is fair, because in reality all you can say is that person X beat person Y; not style X beat style Y.

Granted, there may be many WC schools that train in a fashion unproductive to the cage, but does that mean WC, as a style/ better yet - a body of body-combative-tactics is useless simply because some folks didn't train it to handle that type of opponent?

Hoping that makes sense back atcha