Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
Ha ha! Really? Which law is that going by? As a former cop and corrections officer I can tell you that that wouldn't stand up to any law in the US. Nor does it stand up to common sense in any way. Unless I'm in that "bad part of town" for illegal purposes, your example makes no sense at all.

I've been a member of the forum for years. There used to be interesting and worthwhile discussion here. Then Bawang and the trolls took over and now everyone wants them to stay. That's fine with me though. As far as I'm concerned it's YOUR sandbox, if you wanna turn it into a litterbox, more power to you...
Take the stick out of your butt!

Obviously I am not talking about legally! If you play in a shark infested ocean, you risk getting bit! It is simple logic and a fact of life. So, if a shark bites you, you shouldn't be surprised!

If you don't want to risk getting bit, DON"T PLAY IN A SHARK INFESTED OCEAN!!

See? Simple logic!