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Thread: Tsunami hit Japan and soon Taiwan

  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    I appreciate the sentiment of wanting to help.

    But Japan is really taking care of business.
    The problem is not goods and services, it's logistics.

    Japan has lots of food, lots of shelter and lots of doctors.

    What they need are hundreds of evac choppers and sartechs on the ground in effected areas.

    It is still assessment phase and there are many people who are actually attempting to capitalize on this with funds and so on. It's ridiculous.

    It's a big problem and throwing money at it is not a solution. There's lots of money.
    Logistics, bureaucratic mess-ups are there aplenty too. But if you think they have enough money... please get a job running a major economy, and you should have the whole financial world back on its feet within days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    I live on the jet stream in the pacific nw...people here are freaking out kind of.....all of the potasium iodide are sold out lol
    BTW, most medicines, mouthwashes etc containing potassium iodide do not contain stable iodine and so are no use at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    yes. i dont hate the war criminals.i hate their children. because they want to pretend the war never happened, but enjoy the first world luxury the war brought them.
    You know I almost agree with you there. I have a lot of resentment against my parents' generation: they ALL became too wasteful, complacent, selfish on the backs of other people, be it former colonies or their ancestors' hard work. But you're still talking about a generation heading into their seventies, bro. There are two, three, four more generations after that.

    And even then, think about the logic here: how can you blame them for pretending atrocities didn't happen? They don't know about them, so they can't suddenly say, "Hey, teach us about this." because... they don't know 'this' exists. It's not like their fathers came home and said, "Look what I did in China, son," like the Chinese have had that oral history.

    Now, of course I'm not naive enough to believe there isn't a lot of a collective head-in-the-sand approach to life in Japan... they could've educated themselves, but in that case they're different from the Germans. The Germans could swallow what their grandfathers had done to some extent, and could learn from it. In Japan, with that kind of shame, it would only meet up with their culture of suicide. Of course, maybe that was what should've happened after the war - mass suicide. But they were reeling from atrocities too, and waking up and smelling the coffee after years of Imperial Government indoctrination and dehumanization, so they weren't even going to get close to owning up to their responsibilities.

    And guess what? I'm from Britain, which along with the US, is possibly the most adept at glossing over their atrocities and wrongdoings even as it happens in many cases.

    It's part of human nature... just as it's human nature to hold grudges. But it's a part that we should try to overcome.

    I repeat: the new generations of Japanese are not generally racist until they face hate from other places. Forget the old ****ers stinking the place up! It's the same everywhere these days: grumpy old men duping the younger generation of working stiffs so they can make more money off their backs! Welcome to the pensionless temporary contract generation, pal.

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    u guys brought this up. its not like i wake up in the morning and fantasize nuking japan. except on thursdays.
    Lol, that second bit was funny. But yeah, somebody else brought it up... and you didn't have to jump in with your "feeling nothing" ****. you obviously don't "feel nothing" or you wouldnt have commented.

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    my point was its unfair japan gets more news coverage over brown people countries. in real life i can hear the difference in peoples tone when they talk about japan, compared to haiti disaster last year. it sickens me.
    No argument there. I can't believe we're sitting around watching another dictator kill off a rebellion we should be supporting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Violent Designs View Post
    Many are either disbelieving me at first (until I show them photos or video tapes), or they never heard of it ever.

    I made a girl cry once, LOL.
    That was a hobby of mine, I must admit. I got over it. There are better ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violent Designs View Post
    But in all honesty I don't think Japanese people (yes even the current new generation kids who don't have "war criminal histories) are "normal...."
    You know what: one thing is because they have NO history or seemingly understanding of censorship.

    That's what complete freedom of speech/expression gives you. Pound to a pinch of **** it'd be the same in any country if such images weren't illegal. Does that mean it's healthy? He.ll no. Some people just aren't healthy in any society.
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Absolutely terrible.

    It kinda reminds me of the Nazis brought to work in the U.S. under Project Paperclip.

  4. #79
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    Apr 2007
    Let us never forget the atrocities commited by the Japanese Army, NOR the far greater and worse atrocites commited by Mao and his people against their very OWN people.
    That said, no one individual or group of individuals can or should answer/be blamed for any other groups crimes and attrocities.

    I sometimes think we forget that the Japanese people suffered under that imperialistic regime as well.

    What is going on in Japan is a horrific situation and human beings, our brothers and sisters are suffering, not "the japanese", but PEOPLE with homes, families, loved ones, just like everyone here.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Let us never forget the atrocities commited by the Japanese Army, NOR the far greater and worse atrocites commited by Mao and his people against their very OWN people.
    That said, no one individual or group of individuals can or should answer/be blamed for any other groups crimes and attrocities.

    I sometimes think we forget that the Japanese people suffered under that imperialistic regime as well.

    What is going on in Japan is a horrific situation and human beings, our brothers and sisters are suffering, not "the japanese", but PEOPLE with homes, families, loved ones, just like everyone here.
    Every nation has it's fair share of atrocities and tragedies to account for. If not by this generation, then the previous.

    The whole idea that this earthquake is in any way shape or form connected to Japan in WW2 is absolutely bizarre and quite frankly, lower than what the human spirit is capable.

    we can gripe at each other for perceived small mindedness I guess, but ultimately, we will each only do what we desire to do about it. whether that is send 10 bucks to the red cross or if that is cheering because the Japanese killed your grandad.

    The former has far more virtue in my eyes and the latter is indicative of an ailing soul that needs help.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  6. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Let us never forget the atrocities commited by the Japanese Army, NOR the far greater and worse atrocites commited by Mao and his people against their very OWN people.
    That said, no one individual or group of individuals can or should answer/be blamed for any other groups crimes and attrocities.

    I sometimes think we forget that the Japanese people suffered under that imperialistic regime as well.

    What is going on in Japan is a horrific situation and human beings, our brothers and sisters are suffering, not "the japanese", but PEOPLE with homes, families, loved ones, just like everyone here.
    Absolutely. When I first heard about this happening in Japan last week, I KNEW that there would be racists crawling out for their moment in the sun. I also remember that, after the China earthquake a couple years ago, some people in the U.S. were heard to say that it was 'karmic retribution' against the Chinese. Hmm, sound familiar?

    It should be pointed out that during WWII, many Japanese in Japan were against the war and the Imperial Army's aggression. There is a tendency to lump all Japanese (and now in the West, increasingly, the Chinese) into a single monolithic entity that all act and THINK the same, which is utter B.S.

    Carrying hatred towards a person or people is always self-destructive to your own self. You give power to the ones you hate over yourself, a power over you they don't even know that they possess. Why not redirect that energy into doing something positive for yourself and others around you, rather than adding to the negativity in the world.

  7. #82
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    Augusta, GA
    Not really fair to harass and blame people for something done over 70 years ago.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
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    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  8. #83
    yes, ww ii and japanese imperial past deserve another thread.

    let us focus on recovery and how to better prepare for earth quake or tsunami

    b/c when it comes to mother nature, no one is immune or we are all susceptible

    I heard that a giant quake is coming to southern california, or baja cali, mexico

    are we prepared?

    yun nan China had quake, too.

    many people still remember si chuan quake, with tou fu pulp school building collapse and burying school children---

    Last edited by SPJ; 03-16-2011 at 10:03 AM.

  9. #84
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    I was only pointing out that the Chinese might have a valid justification for being somewhat distrustful (to put it mildly) of the Japanese and the U.S. for that matter.

    I was not by any means trying to equivocate the tragedy of a natural disaster to atrocities committed during wartime.

    Equivocate. . .I keep using this word.

    Last edited by wenshu; 03-16-2011 at 01:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    This is not a veiled request for compliments

    The short story is I did 325# for one set of 1 rep.

    1) Does this sound gifted, or just lucky?

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Let us never forget the atrocities commited by the Japanese Army, NOR the far greater and worse atrocites commited by Mao and his people against their very OWN people.
    That said, no one individual or group of individuals can or should answer/be blamed for any other groups crimes and attrocities.

    I sometimes think we forget that the Japanese people suffered under that imperialistic regime as well.

    What is going on in Japan is a horrific situation and human beings, our brothers and sisters are suffering, not "the japanese", but PEOPLE with homes, families, loved ones, just like everyone here.
    Mao Ze Dog is like Qin Shi Huang in reuniting a shattered country back into a single, unified state (in Chinese history, solidarity = strong, federalism = weak).

    Both used draconian methods but achieved hegemony.

    As a result the Chinese people prospered in the end. Japan had no sentiments of that nature....

    Both Qin Shi Huang and Mao Ze Dong are also absolutely the worst examples of humanity according to ancient Confucian dialectics, however. They are not examples to be "emulated" if you are a strict Confucian philosopher, however, sometimes draconian methods are necessary when the sh1t is hitting the fan.
    It is bias to think that the art of war is just for killing people. It is not to kill people, it is to kill evil. It is a strategem to give life to many people by killing the evil of one person.
    - Yagyū Munenori

  11. #86
    Mao started a farmers/peasants revolution and land reforms.

    lands were owned by few people, and the majority of folks were farmers leasing the land to farm.

    this had been going on since some 3000 years ago, since zhou feudalism.

    however, Mao went too far left and started cultural revolution. destructions of 4 olds and all schools/colleges shut down, professors/engineers learn farming labor in the country side.

    the darkest period ever--


  12. #87
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I drink tea every day

    Seems like an odd time to propound tea drinking...
    Chinese medicine doctor recommends drinking tea to combat radiation
    2011/03/16 22:57:36
    Taipei, March 16 (CNA) Want a good tip to fend off the threat of radiation poisoning? The answer is to drink more tea, said a Chinese medicine doctor Wednesday.

    Lu Chih-hong, president of the Sheng Te Tang Chinese Medical Hospital in Taichung City, central Taiwan, suggested the public take more tea to avoid the effects of radioactive fallout that may come from Japan.

    Tea, a common agricultural and medicinal product in Taiwan, contains a variety of substances, including Camaellia sinensis, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and lipopolysaccharide, that can help people combat the effects of radiation.

    According to Lu, Camaellia sinensis is the main substance that helps human bodies discharge radiation contamination. C. sinensis can absorb as much as 90 percent of the radioisotopes in the human body and discharges it before it reaches the bone marrow. He added that C. sinensis also helps human bodies take up Vitamin C more effectively, creating more blood and making capillary blood vessels more resilient. This reduces the possibility of getting Jod-Basedow syndrome, a hyperthyroid disease one can acquire after taking potassium iodide to combat radiation poisoning.

    Master Sheng Lun, who has dedicated many of his years to organic farming, said drinking tea is even more helpful than taking potassium iodine tablets, because tea prevents radioactive materials from being absorbed into the body and accelerates the body's metabolism of such substances.

    He suggested the public consume organic tea because it contains no residue of pesticides. (By S. C. Hau and Flor Wang)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Technically speaking, Mao and his people were not bayonetting babies or involved in mass rape and murder of civilians as a policy.

    R.I.P all innocent people killed in natural or man made disasters.

  14. #89
    some local churches and buddhist temples are still helping out haiti

    now, they gear up for helping Japan, even thou, with the 3rd largest economy

    Japan may not need outside help.

    but the heart to offer a hand in time of crisis


  15. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by B.Tunks View Post
    Technically speaking, Mao and his people were not bayonetting babies or involved in mass rape and murder of civilians as a policy.

    R.I.P all innocent people killed in natural or man made disasters.
    great leap forward or giant step backward, in order to jack up the production increase every quarter, food was sent to the city to rot in the warehouse,

    while farmers eating roots and starved


    Deng first openly pointed out the mistakes in the largest party member meeting

    he was soon put down and persecuted or silenced during cultural revolution


    Deng came out later and reversed all of Mao leftist policies

    pragmatism took over


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