Quote Originally Posted by chusauli View Post
That's why I say, "Let function rule over form" and "Let application be your guide".

I think its assbackwards when you learn a form and try to "interpret" it. Forms come from application, not vice versa.
I would agree with this in regards to other TCMA or Shaolin based forms, but not with Wing Chun imho.

I also speak and see a lot of teachers out there who use this motto "let function rule over form" & "let application be your guide" and can understand that in the right contaxt ie. you have already mastered your art and are now pursuing a competitive approach to training. But these terms again should not apply to Wing Chun, as we are not JKD or MMA.

Every form (of the commonly seen 3) is very specific in its intention and purpose. They assist us to build the foundation to our expression. Unlike the SaapYeeSik or Sansau approach many Sifu prefer to use.

And this thread really was intended for such 'technique' based discussion no? So let's see some names at least of common Wing Chun techniques instead of discussing the purpose of forms

Looking at the 108, Tan Da is repeated a few times, along with gaan, jut, tok, jum and toi sau so these should be common among us all imho.