Kung Fu Panda Goes 3D For Christmas Special
Submitted by Brendon Connelly on September 6, 2010 – 5:46 pm (1) comments

Stopping by Dreamworks Animation facility in Glendale, Animation Guild Business Rep Steve Hulett was shown the new Kung Fu Panda TV special that has been readied for screening this Christmastime. As well as confirming that the original voice cast from the movie was in place, Hulett commented on how the show was in 3D, and what sounds like rather good 3D too:

I’ll say what I’ve said before: DWA creates kick-ass dimensional cinema. The cuts and transitions were witty, making vivid use of the technology, and the gags played like gangbusters… I still think the Moving View Master format is overblown, but DreamWorks makes better use of it than anybody else.

I love 3D so I’m not in with his “Moving View Master” comment, and you must have noticed how much I love most of the films of Pixar, but I’ll agree: Dreamworks’ 3D is very good stuff. And even generally, the studio is on a real roll at the moment with the quality of their films – since Kung Fu Panda, in fact – regularly proving to be far more impressive than in the earlier days.

I’m hoping the Panda Holidays show plays over here in the UK, and in full digital 3D too. If not, I’m sure the 3D Blu-ray will be out in time for Christmas 2011, or maybe as soon as summer, timed to promote the second feature.
3D TV has always been amusing. I haven't seen 3D HDTV yet, but I'm sure it'll also be amusing.