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Thread: Celebrities studying martial arts?

  1. #196
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    San Diego, CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Angeling has never been my cup-of-tea, not enough ass and way to prone to being a "home wrecker".
    I agree with her being too skiny, not enough bootay, add terrible acting with the worst effected accents in the biz. Did I mention her lips always looked chapped?

    Piper Perabo is delish...
    "if its ok for shaolin wuseng to break his vow then its ok for me to sneak behind your house at 3 in the morning and bang your dog if buddha is in your heart then its ok"-Bawang

    "I get what you have said in the past, but we are not intuitive fighters. As instinctive fighters, we can chuck spears and claw and bite. We are not instinctively god at punching or kicking."-Drake

    "Princess? LMAO hammer you are such a pr^t"-Frost

  2. #197
    Join Date
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    Grand Rapids, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by Taryn P. View Post
    It seemed like she had a little more muscle and curves on her frame back in the "Tomb Raider" era, but in the past few years she has just been shrinking away into a skeleton.

    I really can't take some of these female movie/TV stars seriously when they talk about training martial arts, and yet they are so emaciated that they look like they don't have the strength to lift a six-pack of Diet Coke without help.
    She was "enhanced" for those movies...
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  3. #198
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Christina Hendricks

    Christina Hendricks: Joan is back where she belongs this season
    July 30, 2010 ι Jarett Wieselman

    With her shock of red hair, it's hard to miss Joan Holloway. And yet that's exactly the predicament "Mad Men" fans found themselves in last season as the smokin' hot office manager quit her job and left Sterling Cooper to the wolves. Thankfully the just launched fourth season has placed Joan back where she belongs: running an office, sauntering through its halls and knowing everything about everyone who walks through the front door.

    This week, the newly formed Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce hold its first holiday party and you can be **** sure Joan's going to make it better than her going away party, which ended in tears. And bloodshed.

    Despite her character's reduced screentime last season, actress Christina Hendricks snagged a well deserved Emmy nomination thanks in no small part to an enchanting accordion performance. I recently had the pleasure of chatting with the beyond bubbly actress about her musical stylings, Joan's journey in season four and if those Joan/Roger 'shippers should hold out hope for a reunion!

    PopWrap: Congratulations on the Emmy nomination -- I was pulling for you because although Joan wasn't in season three that much, the scenes she did have were electric.
    Christina Hendricks: That’s exactly right – when Joan was there, the material was amazing. But there wasn’t a lot of filler. She came in with a bang but there were so many other [characters] to service. Her story was so rich and fantastic last year. It just was condensed.

    PW: Would you agree that Joan lost herself a bit after she left Sterling Cooper?
    Christina: Absolutely. I think season three was very much about Joan “getting what she wanted” and then discovering, “oh no, this is not how the plan was supposed to go.” Joan excels in the office. She's respected as a woman and someone who keeps the ship running. But she lost some of that power, so she lost some of her confidence. There’s nothing more fun than being good at what you do and I think she missed that. One thing that I thought about Joan from the very first moment in the pilot is that she is someone who needs to be needed. So that moment at the end of season three was great because it felt like, “oh I’m needed again.”

    PW: That must have been a relieving script to read.
    Christina: Well, I had spoken to [creator] Matt Weiner earlier in the season and said, “so what’s the plan here because as far as I can tell, I’m not working at the office anymore.” [laughs] He explained his plan to me so I was excited about that moment – even though it’s a brief moment on screen, it’s a grand idea for those characters. And I think it was nice too because although Roger has the idea, as soon as he says, “I know who to call” everyone knows who he’s talking about. So everyone was already on board, which was cool.

    PW: It's like she's back where she belongs this season.
    Christina: Yea, that’s how it felt to me too.

    PW: You said that season three was about discovering that her plan was flawed, does season four involve Joan readjusting that plan?
    Christina: Season four opens with this line of “who is Don Draper?” and there is an underlying theme of “who am I” for everyone. Obviously at the end of season three, Joan's husband announced that he joined the army without consulting her. There’s definitely still discomfort and unease at home – so we see her figure out how to deal with that. You'll definitely learn more about their relationship [this season].

    PW: Sunday's episode involves the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Christmas Party -- is it less lively than Joan’s going away party?
    Christina: [laughs] What could be more lively than that?!? That was like the worst party ever – guest of honor cries, man is amputated. That was a dismal party. I can’t wait for people to see this because it’s incredibly clever. I hope that it comes across that way.

    PW: Hosting a party at the office is kind of like Joan's bread and butter.
    Christina: Absolutely, are you kidding. This is like Christmas for Joan, but it actually is Christmas [laughs]. It’s the best gift she could get – organizing a party.

    PW: Joan's other season three party led to one of the most beautiful and memorable moments of the whole show -- that accordion performance.
    Christina: Thank you. That was something I knew was coming from the beginning of the season. They called me and asked if I spoke French and played the piano. I said, "I could learn French and I don’t play the piano, but I do play the accordion." So they got me some freshen up lessons. It was a one of those great things as an actress where you get to refine another skill.

    PW: What other skills would you like to obtain through work?
    Christina: I always wanted to do a movie where I had to learn kung-fu for three months. Where if someone made you do it, you could do it. But there was a moment of, “what do you mean I have to sing on screen? What do you mean it’s in French? What do you mean it’s while playing the accordion?”

    PW: You already had an accordion playing foundation -- how did that come about?
    Christina: I had always enjoyed the instrument and vocalized that many years ago, so a friend bought me an accordion. I kinda looked at it like, “I can’t believe you bought me this," and stared at it for 6 months before finally calling around to find lessons, which aren’t that easy to find. You’d think they’d be on every corner! The Silver Lake Conservatory of Music teaches every instrument, so I started to take some lessons five years ago and did for maybe 8 months. I never really revisited it until “Mad Men” asked me to.

    PW: Are there any other instruments you play?
    Christina: No. I love to sing and I sing all the time much to the chagrin of my husband [laughs]. I’m a huge music lover and an admirer of people who are really good at it.

    PW: What's your go-to song for serenading Geoffrey?
    Christina: Sometimes they’re just made up on the spot – which are particularly dismal. I probably belt out musicals more than anything else. Maybe a little Jesus Christ Superstar or Hedwig [and the Angry Inch]. My husband is actually a really great singer and he did a little performance of a couple songs from Hedwig last week and I did his makeup. It was fabulous.

    PW: More than any character, save for maybe Don, Joan has deeply permeated pop culture. I can't count the number of times a rival Pub Trivia Team has been named "Joan Holloway's Accordion" or "Joan Holloway's Pen Necklace."
    Christina: [laughs] Oh my gosh, I’m so flattered. I got some goosebumps. First of all, I love that they say Holloway, not Harris.

    PW: I believe we prefer to think of her like that.
    Christina: I still do! I remember at the first season three table read, we have nametags with our characters on them so guest stars know who we play, and mine said Joan Harris. When time came to introduce ourselves I said, “Hi I’m Christina Hendricks and I play Joan H-H-H ... I couldn’t bring myself to say it. So I just said Joan [laughs].

    PW: Are you aware of how fond people are of Joan -- and by extension, you?
    Christina: It’s really been phenomenal. And I really think the moment for all of us was getting our Barbies. I put her up on her little stand, and I’m analyzing all the little bits about her -- I kind of undressed her a little bit.

    PW: Era appropriate undergarments?
    Christina: She had a cool corset on. She’s so cool. But I still can’t fathom that it’s a character I play. It just looks like a cool doll. It’s a lot to swallow. I love playing with her, bring over your Roger doll!

    PW: Do your Joan doll and Roger doll have chemistry?
    Christina: Well the fact that I would only choose to play with those two doll should tell you how I feel about it [laughs].

    PW: Elisabeth Moss told me she was shocked fans still want Peggy to be with Pete -- what are your feelings on a Joan and Roger reunion?
    Christina: I think there is an undeniable caring about the two of them. And in a way that maybe you don’t see with other characters. When he had his heart attack and she’s left helpless, you can feel that yearning. He wants comfort from her and she wants to offer that, but can’t because the whole office is watching. I think the audience feels that and wants that, so Matt’s like “well if the audience wants it, of course I won’t do it” [laughs]

    PW: Is that a rule?
    Christina: No, I’m joking – he just cares that what is going to naturally happen, naturally happens. What I think is fascinating are the people who want Don and Joan together, based on that one scene when they sit together. It’s so random, but for some reason people want that.

    PW: What do you say to that?
    Christina: You never know!

    "Mad Men" airs Sundays at 10pm on AMC
    My lord. Some one teach this woman some kung fu pronto!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #199
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    Sep 2008
    San Diego, CA.
    Talk about Melon Hammers!!! Good Lord that woman is fine...I'd take her right to ground for some long over due yoga practice, downward facing dog comes to mind.
    "if its ok for shaolin wuseng to break his vow then its ok for me to sneak behind your house at 3 in the morning and bang your dog if buddha is in your heart then its ok"-Bawang

    "I get what you have said in the past, but we are not intuitive fighters. As instinctive fighters, we can chuck spears and claw and bite. We are not instinctively god at punching or kicking."-Drake

    "Princess? LMAO hammer you are such a pr^t"-Frost

  5. #200
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Had to post this here

    Celebrity Kung-Fu
    Fighting game
    Game type : Flash game

    Kung-fu game which gathers the American celebrities which made the news in 2009. Use the arrow keys to move, jump or dunk, Z, X, C to attack, down arrow key+Z,X,C for an uppercut, up arrow key +Z,X,C for a jump kick and left arrow key +X to rush, Space to block, Shift to throw a projectile. You have the choice between Lady Gaga, Barack Obama and a lot of people.

    Close games :

    You want to play to Celebrity Kung-Fu, one of the free games. Celebrity Kung-Fu is an Internet flash game for PC and notebook is a game of fighting.
    The following comments concern this game (Celebrity Kung-Fu), they can contain cheats
    I didn't bother to play it though...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #201
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    Lindsay Lohan


    Lindsay, when you get out of the slammer, we got a whole line of ninjette wear for you to model. Call me!
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #202
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    Mary Elizabeth Winstead

    From Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
    The Verge: Mary Elizabeth Winstead

    It’s not easy to play a cinematic dream girl, especially the inscrutable Ramona Flowers of Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, who literally meets our titular hero (played by Michael Cera) for the first time inside his own dream. Still, actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead pulls it off, and why shouldn’t she, after braving challenges like Live Free or Die Hard, Death Proof, and the upcoming remake of The Thing? Just before Scott Pilgrim’s release this past weekend, Winstead called up Movieline to discuss elements of a fight scene you didn’t see, the film’s reshot ending, and the credit she’s got that’s even weirder than Scott Pilgrim.

    What was it like to walk around Comic-Con and see people who were dressed as Ramona?
    It was pretty wild. It was overwhelmingly positive, though. I think we were all kind of nervous about it, like, “What are reactions going to be to this movie?” But people were just so excited about Scott Pilgrim and so passionate about the books, and you could just feel that everywhere. It was a really wonderful experience, especially the screenings. I don’t think I’ve ever had as fantastic a moviegoing experience as seeing this movie with the fans at Comic-Con.

    Did you watch all three screenings of it at Comic-Con?
    I did, I went to all three. I wasn’t planning on it, but we were introducing the films, and each time I was like, “OK, I’ve got to stay and watch a little bit of it,” and then I would get sucked into it and watch the whole thing.

    You were worried about what the reception might be, and I think some people wonder if there might be a generational divide with this movie, a la Fight Club, in that younger viewers will really respond to it, but older people might be left scratching their heads. Do you think there’s any truth to that?
    Yeah, I think that’s a general concern that people seem to have, but what’s been interesting is how many people who are not considered to be part of the target audience who’ve been coming up to me at press events or junkets to say, “I didn’t think I was going to like it, but I loved it.” It’s interesting, because I’m getting so many of those comments that I wonder if that generational gap isn’t as much of a concern as people think it is. I think it’s a great story and really funny and refreshing and unique, and those are all things to me that any person who enjoys film would be entertained by. We’ll wait and see, I guess.


    Ramona can very guarded. How do you play that without her coming off as unreadable?
    It definitely was challenging, the most challenging part I ever had to play. It was a daunting task when I read it and started to prepare for it, like, “How do you play someone who’s so guarded that you never really know what she’s thinking or feeling, yet she’s still human, so there still has to be some level of emotion there?” I had to figure out a way of keeping her in a very emotional place all the time, but at the same time, covering that all up and putting up a wall. It was really helpful to be able to talk to [comics creator] Bryan Lee O’Malley and get some insight into the character. Some of the things he told me really gave me an understanding as to why she is the way she is. Hopefully because I understood it, other people will understand it.

    What kind of backstory did Bryan give you?
    The main things that I really took with me were about her childhood, and several things that were very sad, these traumas that she had been through. It made me realize that she was a pretty dark character and somewhat sad, and this hardened shell that she puts around herself is just a facade to keep people at bay. She’s got so much emotional baggage that she carries around everywhere she goes, so to me, I needed her to feel like she always had this weight on her shoulders, the weight of what she’d been through in her life.

    You worked on this film for about seven months. Is that the longest amount of time you’ve ever spent on a movie?
    Definitely. That was my life for quite a while. [Laughs]

    What was the bulk of your fight training like?
    We actually didn’t really start into the fight choreography until a few weeks before shooting. Most of the training was to get us prepared physically and get us familiar with the fundamentals of kung fu. For two months or more — because we actually started in LA before we went to Toronto, so it was more like three months — every day, we would have bootcamp training in the mornings when we would do push-ups and run. Then we would rotate to different training sessions of kung-fu, or I would go practice wushu or go work with my hammer or staff, or Mae [Whitman] and I would be put together to spar and learn hand-to-hand combat. Once we had all the fundamentals down, then they would actually teach us choreography, which was almost like learning a dance.

    That battle with Mae is actually my favorite evil ex battle, and it does feel like a dance.
    It’s like a musical, especially the way Edgar is so influenced by music and that’s such a big part of all of his films. We knew that we would be fighting to a beat at certain points, so it definitely felt like dancing. Michael and I actually learned swing dancing to prepare for that puppeteering part of the fight. At one point, that was actually much more elaborate, and I was swinging Michael around me. [Laughs] I would swing him over my back and lift him up and carry him and all sorts of stuff. We actually rehearsed a lot more fighting for that segment, which was a lot of fun, but I think it turned out to be a bit much.

    What was the process like of actually shooting that fight? It goes by in the blink of an eye, but I’m sure it took much, much longer.
    It did. I think at least fight took at least a week or week and a half to shoot. It was pretty intense, long hours of physical stuff take after take. It’s funny because it goes by so quickly on screen, but we spent months training for it and weeks shooting it. Still, it looks brilliant and I’m incredibly proud of it.

    **What was it like to shoot so many of those tiny, blink-of-an-eye shots the movie is littered with? Anna Kendrick talked about learning the art of acting during a crash-zoom
    It was challenging. There were a lot of days where it might be a sixteen-hour day, but all I’d be doing is a shot of me flipping my head to the right really fast, and something would go off in the background and the camera was going to zoom in on my face and it had to be the right focus at the right time. There were always so many elements to perfect that went beyond giving the right performance, and it was definitely a unique filmmaking experience because there was so much going on that the actors weren’t doing. I think we all had to take one for the team and know that we were in good hands and that we’d be a part of something that would be amazing. We took a cue from Edgar and worked really hard for the finished product, because he works harder than anyone.


    Let’s talk about the ending, because I heard that Scott ended up with Knives Chau in the original cut. When did Edgar have you go back and reshoot that, and what did you think of the change?
    I think the main thing was wanting to be true to the books. When we originally shot it, the sixth book hadn’t been written yet, and Bryan didn’t know necessarily what he was going to do. So when the sixth book was finished and our ending was very different than the book’s ending, I think it just felt kind of wrong to a lot of people for it to be so vastly different. Also, I think having some hindsight and seeing the film again after having been away from shooting for a while, I think that Edgar just felt that it was right to change it. I don’t want to go into too much detail to give stuff away about the ending, although you obviously already already know it, but I think it was mainly about being true to the books.


    Bruce Willis was recently quoted as saying that Die Hard 5 was imminent. Have they checked on your availability yet?
    They have not. I don’t know the validity of that, or if they have any interest in Lucy McClane, but I’m waiting. We’ll see!

    Can we please talk about the fact that once upon a time, you were on Passions? I think that aside from Scott Pilgrim, that may be the most out-there project on your resume.
    I know! It’s funny, I keep getting Passions questions lately, and I haven’t in years. But yeah, that’s gotta be more out-there than anything. Not only were there witches, and Hell was in my basement at one point, but I was also having to perform monologues to myself and ridiculously cheesy stuff. [Laughs] So yeah, I’ve been there, done that.

    So if Edgar Wright asks you to pull a giant hammer out of thin air, you don’t even flinch at this point.
    “No big deal!” I’ve done far crazier stuff in my day.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #203
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Dr. Laura!

    Dr. Laura's Next Moves: Sharks, iPhone App, Kung-Fu?
    Updated: 4 hours 52 minutes ago
    Steven Hoffer
    AOL News Surge Desk
    (Aug. 20) -- It's a new day in a whole new media world for Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Sure, she just announced her retirement from her popular, long-running radio show, but you really didn't think she would just fade away, now did you?

    Admittedly, after her live "N-word" outburst last week elicited a wave of criticism, things weren't looking exactly promising for the 15-year radio veteran. But now she's begun a new PR push to show her fans that she regrets the incident and is moving on, starting things off with a candid interview in the Hollywood Reporter on Friday, in which she reveals myriad potential future career opportunities.

    What's next for Schlessinger? Surge Desk has taken the liberty of highlighting some of the most interesting possibilities:

    Satellite Radio
    Dr. Laura may not be the biggest Howard Stern fan -- "He spends his life trying to hurt people" -- but as someone looking for a bit less censorship in her programming (possible common ground?), she has indicated that following the path of the "King of All Media" to Sirius XM is "an option," though no details on an offer have been released.

    Shark Attack!
    Since the early '90s, Dr. Laura has been a prolific writer, most noted for her self-help book, "Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives." With the radio show coming to a close when Dr. Laura's contract ends in December, Schlessinger will have plenty of time to support the scheduled January release of her new book on betrayal and revenge, titled "Surviving a Shark Attack (On Land)."

    Dr. Laura is already far more than just a radio presence. Between her website, YouTube channel and blog, Dr. Laura will have plenty of venues for her voice the moment her radio show ends, including ... a mobile application?

    "The other cute thing is that next month I'm going to be an app. 'Dr. Laura's Moral Compass.' You ask it questions about relationships, like that Magic 8-Ball game," she told the Reporter.

    And indeed, some commentators are even predicting that Schlessinger will become a bigger media presence than ever before when she shifts away from conventional radio and more into the multimedia options she's been cultivating quietly all along. As she explained:

    I own thousands of hours of my shows, so I'm looking to do something with that: Internet streaming, podcasting, searchable database, satellite radio. I've got a million things I can do with the hours of my show I own, much less be live. I've had a website since 1997, and last week the traffic went up 311 percent, and the blog traffic went up 634 percent. I'm also the first major talk-show host with a YouTube channel. Already 10 percent of our revenue comes from new media. But this isn't about money, it's about continuing to help people and express my First Amendment rights.

    Kung-Fu Assassin?
    Apparently Dr. Laura has a thing for grindhouse female-empowerment flicks. When asked by the Reporter to name her favorite movie, Dr. Laura responded, "Do I have to tell you the truth? It's 'Kill Bill' volumes one and two, because I'm a martial artist. The fight scenes were amazing. All that samurai stuff -- amazing!"
    Just kidding.... i think...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #204
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    Jul 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Just kidding.... i think...
    So...she's just another samaurai wannabe Or...she has a secret ambition to be included in the sword hotties thread.
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  10. #205
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Chris Brown

    Aug 24 2010 6:12 PM EDT 1,492
    Chris Brown Studied Parkour, Martial Arts For 'Takers'
    'We use different acrobatics and flips and stuff,' singer/actor says.
    By Shaheem Reid

    If he were in singing mode, "Lamborghini Breezy" could have used his car to make a getaway. But as an actor in the film "Takers" (due Friday), Chris Brown had to go through days of rigorous running through the streets of Los Angeles during a climactic chase scene, in which he flees from actors Jay Hernandez and Matt Dillon.

    Brown's character, who is part of a group of bank robbers, leaps on top of cars, scales buildings and jumps through windows. And fans may also notice a hint of parkour movement in Brown's getaway tactics.

    "It was funny because in the beginning, a couple of weeks prior to me being on-set and filming the movie, I was already training with my friends, doing parkour and some martial arts stuff," Brown recently explained. "We call it 'trickin'.' We use different acrobatics and flips and stuff. I always incorporate that in my dancing too. Being able to apply that to the movie was a step up on my entertainment value. It was great."

    "I've never had to do so much running in my life," Dillon said about the scene. "For that sequence, we were just, like, four days straight, just running through the streets, and this kid Chris is an unbelievable athlete. This guy Chris Brown, he's unbelievable, man. So keeping up with him was a challenge even in itself, which was perfect for our characters."

    Chris says that for the most part, when you look at the stunts he does in the film, you won't be looking at some stuntman.

    "A big muscle dude with a different-shape head," he joked of what his stuntman would look like. "For the most part, it was all me.

    "The most thrilling part about this movie is probably the stunts," he said on the set. "I do, like, 96 percent of my stunts. Some stunts they wanna use the doubles; I don't wanna use the double! And they're like, 'We have to for safety and insurance issues.' I think the most exciting parts are the stunts, getting to blow stuff up, shoot guns, you know what I'm saying. It's all fun!"
    Just gonna stand there
    And watch me burn
    But that's alright
    Because I like
    The way it hurts
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #206
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    This film strikes me as odd.

    In this day and age of billion dollar rip offs, I can't figure out what all the noise is in a movie about people stealing 35 or so million bucks?

    It's chump change in today's big time criminal movies.

    But then, Chris Brown is chump and he's not getting my change for his movie that's for sure. lol

    (way to play up the rhianna and eminjibbajabbadudem song )
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #207
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    Jan 1970
    new york,ny,U.S.A
    well because they are chump change, thats the point, criminals with all there guns are nothing, compared to a wall st. guy with a brief case and a smile.

    or as mario puzzo wrought in the godfather.."a man could steal more with a breifcase, then i could with a hundred guns."

    thats the dynamic of the criminal mind, vs. the devious truly evil mind. bank robbers steal from the insured banks...they look at themselves as robin hoods even thou they keep the money...but see guys like bernie madoff, they steal from YOU, the person, take the bread out of your mouth if they could.

  13. #208
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    Just gonna stand there
    And watch me burn
    But that's alright
    Because I like
    The way it hurts
    been listening to eminem to much? got it stuck in your head?
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  14. #209
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Amber Portwood

    Do reality stars count?
    Amber Portwood: I Have Lost 65 Pounds
    Wednesday, 29 Sep 2010

    MTV reality star Amber Portwood has announced in the recent edition of Us Magazine that she has lost 65 pounds post pregnancy.

    Portwood was in the reality series Teen Mom and she went on to say that she was tired of being chunky. ‘I have been chunky my whole life’ said Portwood.

    Portwood gave birth to a baby girl back in November of 2008.

    Afterwards she decided that she needed to lose some of the baby weight.

    Once she had lost 20 pounds, she decided that she wanted to lose more. She went on to say that she has been studying the marital art Krav Maga and is getting ready to enter her first competition.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #210
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Justin Bieber

    Suddenly, this thread has lost some appeal...
    Justin Bieber: Kung Fu Concert Fun
    Date: 20-Oct-2010

    Celebrity Gossip : He’s always up to something and last night (October 19) Justin Bieber gave a killer performance in Vancouver, Canada. The “One Less Lonely Girl” singer took the stage at the Rogers Arena and even had a little extra action for his many fans.

    Justin showed off his Kung Fu skills by performing a choreographed fight sequence with his backup dancers, and his moves looked pretty impressive.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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