Humans have two arms, two legs, one head. As far as striking goes there are only so many ways in which a person can strike. There will not be any new or innovative strikes created ever, what has been done is done. Training methods are what have come to define a high standard on if a technique works or not. If it works in combat, or a full contact setting, it is good.

TMA pretty much contain all strikes and probably at one time trained all strikes in a highly efficient manner so the person could test and use them. Law suits and the general pussification of the US as a society led to watered down, McDojo whatever you want to call it schools that focused more on kata, point and little to no contact sparring, and other such garbage that made once great systems half ass**ed shells of their former selves.

Grappling arts are the same way. In many Japanese Jiu Jitsu, Aikido, and even Judo schoools compliant techniques took the place of randori, so instead of testing in an efficient manner you have "grab my wrist, no the other wrist, now flip and tap when I throw you" BS.

This debate is the same as the arguing over the internet theory, even if you win your still retarded. There will always be crappy MA schools and good fighting MA schools. MMA is not some kind of enlightenment movement, it is simply a method of training that produces results in the area of fighting. Most TMA schools used to do this, and many still do. But there will always be those who say and those that do, and it's not hard to see who fits where!