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Thread: Kagan: It's ok for Gov't to ban books - VIDEO

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    Using that SAME logic, we should allow the opium trade to continue, so that we don't put them out of work as well.
    I'm all for the legalization of drugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    And FYI... even if you have NO insurance, and even if there was NO universal health care, if your twinkie filled ass has a stroke, heart attack, or any other one of the countless thngs that processed food causes, an ambulance will come and get you, a doctor will see you, and many thousands of dollars will be spent on you, regardless of whether or not you can pay for it. That is the fatal flaw in your logic. You won't just fall down and slowly die as peope watch. There will be hundreds of dollars wasted on an ambulance, thousands wasted in medical care, and a doctor and staff pulled from people who are suffering from legitimate injuries or illnesses that were unpreventable.
    So spending money on a fat guy is "thousands wasted in medical care"? Are you really saying that?

    Geez, now we know how the coutries with socialized medicine justify rationing it, the Gov't gets to choose who is "wasting" the healthcare dollars and who deserves the treatment. Wow, that sounds alot like Hitler calling people "worthless eaters".

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    How much have your taxes gone up, by the way? I haven't seen a single change in the taxes I pay since President Obama took office. I haven't seen anyone take away all the ammo like predicted. I haven't seen anything unusual in the economy, as it is recovering slowly, as it was predicted long before he took office. Oh yeah... President Obama even told us it would be a slow recovery, and that we must be patient.
    My taxes are going up Jan 1st, unless he extends the Bush tax cuts. My capital gains taxes go up then too. FYI, the market will be ful of sell-offs in December, so be careful. When Obama targets weath, make sure your money is not collateral damage.

    I never predicted he would take ammo.

    If you haven't seen anything unusual in the economy, you're either blind or not paying attention. Unemployment is hovering around 10%, a good bit higher than it was under Bush. Interest rates are at all time lows, yet GDP is stagnent. FYI, this is very, very troubling. Couple low interest rates with massive debt, and what do you get? Inflation! And considering raising interest rates is the best way to fix inflation, yet raising them will result in slowing down the economy (see 1982), we better pray he stops spending because inflation could really mess things up right now. Mark my words on this; if inflation hits, we are in big trouble.

    Obama's Administration also said if we passed the 'stimulus' umemployment would not break 8%, so I don't take those fools predictions to heart. Hell, even CNN had an article pointing out how this very Administration has by far the least bit of private sector experience of any Administration in the last 60 years. People generally cannot fix something they have no knowledge of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    On the flip side, I didn't see Fmr Pres. Bush do anything terrible to the economy either.
    According the liberals here, he caused ALL of this mess. Points to you for getting this one right though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    GUESS WHAT PEOPLE. AMERICANS CAUSED THE FINANCIAL MELTDOWN, AND THEY ALSO CAUSED THE HOUSING MARKET CRASH. Stop playing the blame game... it was collective American irresponsibility. Stop blaming Bush and Obama and take responsibility for the corruption in the banking sector and the inability (or unwillingness) to comprehend loans that we couldn't pay.
    Clintons deregulation that allowed the credit-default swaps played a huge part. Had he not deregulated it, the banks could not have offloaded the bad loans to others.

    But you are correct that stupid people spending money they did not have caused alot of problems. Yet I don't see us criminalizing stupidity like we are looking at criminalizing bad eating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    No books have been banned, no guns have been taken, and taxes have not skyrocketed. And comparably, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are friggin' MILD compared to WWII, Vietnam, or Korea. I believe Bush did what he thought was right, just as I feel Obama is doing what he thinks is right.
    Mostly right, but look for taxes go up.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

  2. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
    So it looks like for the 3,475th time my sources don't count.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
    Screw you. You're one of the worst ones.
    Meaning you can't find any examples of us giving the Obama Adminstration a pass by saying the Republicans do it too. Oh, and for us to decide whether or not your sources "count" you would have to supply some.
    1bad65, you make me laugh. Dare I say it? You seem to be suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome).

    "I didn't vote for him but he's my president, and I hope he does a good job." - John Wayne

    Clearly you want President Obama to fail, or else you wouldn't bring up every little thing you can to try and discredit him and his Administration. You seems to be actively hoping for failure.

    Perhaps you can take a lesson from The Duke.

  3. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65 View Post
    Screw you. You're one of the worst ones.

    Ok, lets cut to the chase. In your opinion is Obama's massive spending justified? If not, please tell me what he is spending too much on and what he needs to cut. And I already know you're gonna blame the war, so tell me what else needs to be cut besides that.

    This should be good...
    You mean like this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Reality_Check
    If President Bush constantly wanted spending cuts then why did spending shoot up during his first 6 years in office? If he wanted to cut spending, he could have used his veto. After all Congress was controlled by the party he headed.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1bad65
    Gee, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say......9/11.
    1bad65, you make me laugh. Dare I say it? You seem to be suffering from ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome).

    "I didn't vote for him but he's my president, and I hope he does a good job." - John Wayne

    Clearly you want President Obama to fail, or else you wouldn't bring up every little thing you can to try and discredit him and his Administration. You seems to be actively hoping for failure.

    Perhaps you can take a lesson from The Duke.

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