Your right the big oil companies are the most evil companies on earth. How rich!! They are the target du jour for this jug earred moron in the White House.

Lets examine the oil companies: they spend billions in research and discovery, they spend billions in technology to draw crude out of the ground. They refine it into thousands of products. Then to be real awful people they set up the most efficient distribution network of any product on earth. You need it, they provide it and they do it at a pretty reasonable cost. They make billions in profits each and every year, year in and year out, but that pales to what the US gov TAKES from them in taxes.
Lets review: the US government does no drilling, does no refining, doesnt convert one drop of crude into a useable product, has no hand in the distribution of the product. Takes no risks in terms of capitol, lives, man hours, market risk, currency risk, or political risk. From the Tax foundation: in the last 25 years the oil companies have paid over 2.2 TRILLION in taxes that is 3 times what they made in profits in the same period. Oh yeah and add in another 160 billion on diesel. Billions of barrels of oil drawn and we have had a couple of spills, tragic in every case but no industry is 100% accident proof. Want to put them out of business, go for it. We can drive the abundance of solar cars etc then who will be the next government target of evil corporate profits, the solar panel makers? the hydrogen producers? since when did it become evil to make money? and if the profits of the oil companies are so obscene how is it not stomach churningly evil that the US government makes more money on a gallon of gas then the guys who made it?