Quote Originally Posted by kfson View Post
In my area, most of the Chinese are from Taiwan or Hong Kong area.
These people, in general, seem to be polar opposites. The HK people are more outgoing and the Taiwanese are reserved and conservative, kind of like the differences between a Brit and an Aussie.
Taiwanese Chinese are born of nationalism, Hong Kong (and Macao) Chinese are born of Capitalism and Mainland Chinese are born of communism.

It presents one with 3 completely and utterly different types of Chinese from a social nurturing standpoint. Yes, they seem like different peoples altogether, because they all came up in different socio-political and socio-economic siuations in a very broad sense.

Over the next 10 years or so, you'll see more balance between all chinese while westernized chinese will be nurtured by their new socio-political and socio-economic situations.