I got to see The Wolfman today, and IMO it's the best werewolf movie ever (so far). Though it's generally a remake of the 1941 original, this new version outdoes it in every way. Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins are awesome in their roles of dysfunctional father and son. Emily Blunt is the love interest, and Hugo Weaving plays the inspector sent to stop the werewolf. The pacing, cinematography, sets (the family Estate gives a gross, mildewy impression) and balance between tension/foreboding and actual violence is excellent.

If I could have wished for anything more from this movie, it would have been for the werewolf to have had the longer-snouted, canine head which, though first popularized cinematically in The Howling (1981), was in fact was far closer to the werewolves of ancient lore. But that's a small thing. This movie shows that classic monsters, correctly updated, still hold up big-time.
