When I got married and moved to Japan 3 1/2 years ago I just thought my wife and daughters bought huge amounts of tissue and toilet paper. Then I began doing alot of the shopping and noticed everyone at the stores walking out with 10 boxes of tissues at a time (a 5 box pack in each hand), or a dozen or more rolls of toilet paper. (I`ve never seen anything smaller than an 8-pack here.)
So I assumed it was a Japanese thing.
Then last year I replaced a Vietnamese guy on my current work assignment and took over the furnished apartment he`d been using. I`ve been here a year and a half and never bought any toilet paper....and I still have two unopened 8-packs in the cupboard!And he was single for crying out loud.
What is it with all this hording of paper products??!! Does it just happen here, or are Chinese and Koreans the same way? I`m really curious about this.