Incidentally, no offence to the upstanding educated Kentuckians out there, but I think this thread was born in a dumpster in back of The Hooched Up Samaritan Hospital itself. It was 5 pages when looked last night, adn when I saw it was up to 10 I eagerly clicked on it to see how the persuading of Brother Uki he was smoking the wrong kind of hallucinogens was going, and it's five extra pages of undiluted ****.

Thanks guys.

Quote Originally Posted by RD'S Alias - 1A View Post
That would be why he'd have a very hard time taking me down in the first place.
I was waiting with baited breath...

Quote Originally Posted by RD'S Alias - 1A View Post
You know, now that I have been hanging out with these Kuntao people for a while, I really don't see modern MMA type takedowns as all that big of a threat anyway. Sure it's a nice tool against Muy Thai people or Boxers who have little take down defense anyway, but I don't really fear it much anymore. There are just too many ways to counter. There are other takedowns that are harder to defend against.
The anticipation was growing...

Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
Kuntao has some very wicked counters to takedowns, though some are a tad to dangerous to "perfect".
Verification from Sanjuro, who's opinion I often agree with... the excitement was reaching fever peak... what is this almighty mysterious kuntao anti-grappling?

Quote Originally Posted by RD'S Alias - 1A View Post
This is why it is not a bright idea. The shooter will eat an elbow, which will be dropping down and covering the center. This combined with a step back into a slightly side Horse stance (seen in my Tai tzu 32 posture form), or a deep bow stance neutralizes the shoot quite effectively.
Oh **** me. The dreaded step back into horse combined with lethal elbow gag. And I thought Chris Rock was funny.