Many people have the utmost respect for authority.
All authority.
Teachers, Doctors, Policemen,Politicians,the Government,Church,etc.
"They know what's right, we don't." Seems to be thier views.
Some people, no matter what their age, need to be held by the hand, and told what to do. Even when Mommy isn't there.

Trust your Sifu, he knows what's right for you.
Yes, and no.
If he knows what he is doing-really knows,then you should trust him-you won't know this yourself, until you are at a level of understanding-catch-22.
If he is cluless, ego-driven,etc. then I would have to say no.

Trust your Doctor.
Yes and no.
Some doctors healers, others are money driven. I know of several cut-happy orthopedic surgeons who's motto is,"Book surgery, book surgery,book surgery."
Some doctors are not up on integrative medicine. Holistic medicine,TCM, etc
The American Medical Association and the FDA is controlled/influenced by the pharmaceutical companies. Many much needed drugs such as orphan drugs, and leatrile are not only ignored, in some cases, they are illegal.

Trust the Gov't. Trust the Police.
Yes and no. Some people want to be able to make a difference it this world, and they hope for positive change. Some want money and power. Some people want to serve and protect. Some want a gun and a badge.
Look at Gun control:
The argument for gun control always boils down to this:
Americans don't need to own guns.
They don't need to protect themselves from crime.
That's what the police are for.
Take away guns, and we will all be safer from violent crimes.
-opens up a can of worms.

If it's illegal, then it's wrong/bad.
Yes and no. Laws are there to govern and protect,
and control the masses.And tell us what to do.
Sometimes a good thing, sometimes not, but a knee-jerk reaction is not governed by thought. It's governed by training.

Trust the Church(Organized Religion leadership)
(not with my kid!)
Man cannot concieve of an infinite universe, let alone the concept of a creative force/conciousness. The questions of who we are, why we are here, the riddle of the universe, is so deep that it scares and confuses many people.
Therefore, we need an authority figure to hold our hands. We need an anthropomorphic God,Buddha,or Jesus. We need Popes, Priests, and Rabbis to interpet the universe, God's plan,divine scripture,etc
and tell us what to do.

So, are we trusted to make our own decisions? Apparently not-according to the Authority figures..
And in many cases,not everyone can.
Nobody wants anarchy. We need laws.
But where does,"It's for your own good" start and stop?

what are your views?

( I can decide for myself, but I'm smarter than you)