Hello everyone,

Mike Martello, of Belgium, will be in NYC teaching six seminars:

Fri Sep 12 6pm-10pm Jibengong: Foundation Skills
Sat Sep 13 10am-5pm Shuai Fa: Effortless Throws
Sun Sep 14 10am-5pm Qinna Fa: Joint Locks
Mon Sep 15 6pm-10pm Taijiquan vs. Baguazhang: Part 1
Tue Sep 16 6pm-10pm Taijiquan vs. Baguazhang: Part 2
Wed Sep 17 6pm-10pm Zhan Zhuang: A Path to Health & Power

For those of you who were able to attend Mike's impromptu visit earlier this year, you have an idea of what an opportunity this is. For those of you that missed it last time, now is your chance. Mike is a teacher who is able to physically express the principles the Chinese Martial Arts are famous for. What's more, he can explain these principles and aid you in manifesting these skills yourself. Relaxed power. Supple root. Clear communication. Sense of humor. All good things in a teacher.

A lifelong martial artist, Mike continues his training in the Chinese Martial Arts in Taiwan with Wang Chieh. Wang Laoshi specializes in the arts of Yuejia (Yue Family) Sanshou, Ba Bu Tanglang (Eight Step Praying Mantis), Baihequan (White Crane), Taiji Tuishou (Push Hands), Shuaijiao (Chinese Wrestling), and Qinna. At age 81 (in 2008), Wang Laoshi's skills are sharp and he provides Mike with the inspiration and instruction necessary to continue developing his skills.

To register, or to read seminar descriptions and instructor bio, visit this link:


Here is a link to videos of Mike in action:


If you live on the West Coast, Jake Burroughs (three_harmonies@hotmail.com) is hosting Mike for a Baguazhang seminar in Seattle, September 5-6-7.

Please register online ASAP, as we will definitely sell out, especially for the weekend. Mike has recently completed his 2008 China Summer Camp and is currently on his way to his home in Belgium. He will be in Seattle the week before our seminars, before returning to Belgium. Be sure to catch him while he is here!

We look forward to training with you!


Joshua Craig

Jibengong: Foundation Skills
Friday September 12

Every style of martial arts has basic exercises specific to it. Some basics however have universal benefit. Exercises for all-round martial arts development will be covered. Regardless of your style, you will learn how these basics can improve your skills. Martial applications of various “exercises” will be shown.
Class Time: 4 Hours

Shuai Fa: Effortless Throws
Saturday September 13

Shuai Fa are the subtle skills of destroying an opponent's root and balance, and throwing him down. These techniques are mixed with the leg sweeps or tripping, and the body's swinging or throwing techniques. This weekend you will learn a series of practical methods taken from the internal arts. The emphasis will be on learning the principles and methods of using alignment and angles to perform throws against stronger attackers. We will begin with the solo movements essential to the methods, and then move through a progression of partner drills. This course is open to all levels of experience and will not be a competition-style format, though mats will be used for safety, and the group will be divided into those who prefer a gentle practice and those who desire a more vigorous one. You will develop your overall body feeling and sense of strong and weak angles. Learn to enter and take them down!
Class Time: 6 Hours

Qinna Fa: Joint Locks
Sunday September 14

The art of Qinna (literally "Seize and Control") is a system of combat techniques, traditionally found in all styles of Chinese martial arts, that is based on the manipulation of joints/tendons. The joint locks of Chinese Qinna are an extremely efficient way of subduing opponents. Please take note, however, that the emphasis of this course is not aimed at learning simple restraining techniques such as practiced by the police, but to understand the usage of subtle methods to feel the bone structure of the opponent and to use his weak points against him. We will also work methods to change fluently from striking to locking.
Class Time: 6 Hours

Taijiquan vs. Baguazhang: Part 1
Monday September 15

In this seminar, the correlation between the two internal arts of Taijiquan and Baguazhang will be explained. You will not be learning Taijiquan or Baguazhang, but rather you will experience core differences between the strategies and body usages common to both styles. Subjects include: Taijiquan body relaxation vs Baguazhang body coiling, power generation through opening and closing as compared to dynamic tension through twisting and turning, as well as similarities in principles and subtle differences in application between the styles. We will continue this seminar on Tuesday evening.
Class Time: 4 Hours

Taijiquan vs. Baguazhang: Part 2
Tuesday September 16

Continuing with our Monday evening exploration of the differences between Taijiquan and Baguazhang, we will learn to appreciate both arts, as well as understand the importance of distinguishing the different engines used to power the respective martial vehicles. You will feel how each art uses a similar posture to achieve different results and how each art "receives" incoming force.
Class Time: 4 Hours

Zhan Zhuang: A Path to Health & Power
Wednesday September 17

Zhanzhuang (standing meditation exercise) forms an integral part of traditional Chinese Qigong. Zhanzhuang encompasses ways to locate blockages within the body, developing awareness of different energy layers, as well as relaxation exercises to open those blockages and dynamic tension exercises to develop whole body power for combat purposes.
Class Time: 4 Hours