Wanted to see if you guys in here could elaborate on something for me! I came across this in another forum, and though I've trained in internal styles before, I never came across specific references to this in either instance. Did a search about it, still nothing on it. I'm sure it could simply be the semantics of it all...but just in case:

I'm looking to see if any of you have heard of "live blocks" vs "dead blocks" directly from your Sifu's...I'm looking for someone who's actually been taught something about this as opposed to you guys delibarating on what the meanings might / could be.

I've taught others about making your techniques "alive" as opposed to "dead" but this was dealing in terms of making something your own, using in a spontaneous manner, and not being constricted by doctrine. Never heard it as far as a real concept specifically related to blocking in the internal martial arts.