Everyone fights a bit differently. It isnt about where someones strengths or weaknesses are.

It is about the end result.

Cung may not have what some would consider great stand up. Many make this assertation based on the techniques seen in his fights. IMO, thats a p!ss poor way to review ones stand up game.

Technique is not the end all be all. It is one element of a great fighter. I have not had the opportunity to have Cung Le punch or kick me, but I bet it hurts. Sounds like decent tech to me if thats the case.

If Cung Le DOES in fact fall short on a technical aspect, its is quite obvious he makes up for it in other ways.

He baits people very very well, his distance and timing are superb. It is obvious to anyone who watches him fight. Its a no brainer to see these elements really.

So in an over all package, the man has the skills, puts them to the test, and produces better results than most. I'm willing to bet, better than any one on this board that is ridiculing him. IF thats not the case. prove it. I'll even wager that his stand up game is better than most of the people talking down. How many of you can pull of a roundhouse to spinning backfist on Frank Shamrock? Probably none. Bad stand up? Try context.

At what point does he get the recognition as a great fighter? 20 undefeated fights I guess dont count.....

People just love to talk down on others on the internet. Why? No reprocusions. No validation required. And they feel better about themselves if they can rip apart someone that makes them look like manure comparitively.

I dont like Frank Shamrock, I think hes a C0cky As$. But I dont talk down on his game.

Its better than mine.