Quote Originally Posted by RD'S Alias - 1A View Post
the more it gets "studied" the more it becomes and even bigger crapfest than it was when it was first pondered or postulated.

No, the more you study it the more it becomes clear there are distinct bio mechanical differences. It also becomes clear what those differences are.

pish posh bra. That's a load of hooey.

limbs are limbs, the body is a unit as a whole, it uses and converts and expels and evacuates and consumes etc etc.

you can increase mass, you can decrease mass, you can increase strength and power and you can increase force output with method and practice.

You have one body and it includes all the energies you use, the mind you use, it contains you as a person and your concious thought.

when your body is gone, that's it, you're done and all that's left is someone elses memories.

if we comprehend that, then there simply is no internal/external question and there never was.