Nandu is a controversial issue in the Wushu community- I'm not going to go into too many details (most of it regards the need of very expensive special flooring and an unfair advantage given to the Chinese), but, in it's simplest terms, it's adding points for degrees of difficulty when scoring forms.

As a concept- I think this is good. As a matter of fact- I think it's something that the TCMA community should adopt. You know- go big or go home.

Now if we started changing traditional forms to make them more difficult- we'd get wushu- so we can't do that, but we can look to find the most difficult and eye appealing traditional forms from our various styles. We could assign difficulty levels to those forms- and standardize them- so... what could those forms be? For example, I know that Wah Lum, Shaolin, Jow Ga, and Eagle Claw all have cool, expressive, and explosive forms... what could be a set of "standardized" traditional forms that we could use with this concept?