Quote Originally Posted by Lokhopkuen View Post
I am not demanding anything friend, I simply asked that the Great Master be remembered with respect. Although there is some confusion related to the oral history I have run across no blatant lies related to the exploits of Master Gu Yu Cheong. Why go there especially when you could offer nothing to clarify the misunderstanding.
I could retort with something nasty connected with the ancestors of your lineage or even mount a personal attack on your character and skill level but this would serve nothing good.

I had withdrawn from these forums for a bit due to the cowardly sass and petty nitpicking that crops up now and again here. As a fifth generation disciple of BSL I am active in the practice and promotion of our system of self cultivation and extend respect and fellowship to all practitioners of traditional martial arts. I am hoping to convince you to do the same and if not at least appeal to you not to contribute to the confusion.

With all due respect to trash the memory of a great Master is disrespectful and can cause real problems plain and simple. I am sure that this is not your intention so I hope this brings closure to any misunderstanding.

Best Wishes
Nobody disrespected anyone. However you make implications that are indicative of your own point of view being slightly skewed in my opinion. "you could make comments".

why don't you already then. You certainly have talked your fair share of talk here as has anyone. BUt don't put words in my mouth.

my comment was this:

one history says master ku was shot by prc forces for his participation in the kmt.
the other history says he died at home.

If this point isn't in any way authoritatively clarified, then asking someone to give buy in to any of it is a big ask.

If the records show that Master Ku is the founder of the style, then where does Shaolin fit in as the pureness etc etc. Clearly, this style is something that Master Ku created from his practices. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It is progress. If we fought the same way as gentlemen of the turn of the century fought, compared to the rawness of todays fighting styles, we would be a sorry lot of pansies dancing about and looking great with solo form but in truth being total sucking wind when it came time for real application off the comfort zone of the classroom floor. In short, we could probably all do without the lecturing and we should all look for truth and if it's a dead end, leave it, move on and continue practice.

when all this is related to false pride and the stupid face games that kungfu people in general tie themselves to like stupid children, then the value overall is lost.

And it is YOUR fault as well as mine that things are this way.

Better that we enjoy our practice, find the value in it for ourselves and stfu when we try to come off as some sort of authority in the matter when all we really have is only what we have.

No one should be outraged by the difficulty of the questions that arise from this. Everyone should positively demonstrate the style and not bother with try to concoct and then get collaboration on stories. This action devalues everything and is probably the most disrespectful thing that can be done to any lineage, name, style or system of thought and action.

I'd rather look at the hard questions than to maintain a continuance of pretending one thing when reality is another.

Again, I do not say these things to offend and if you are offended then I would say you have too much pride and too little sensibility.

regards and keep trying to understand, even if you never do get to the truth, it's always effort to work towards it.