OK there's no real need for a video here for this. The old Shaolin Yi Chin Ching are quite simple. This first one is my 10 year old daughter doing the first exercise.

The official version says to look east, so ok..look east when you start.

Stand at attention with both arms slightly bent at the elbow. Fingers together and tips facing forward, they should be parallel to the ground. Palm along the side of your leg. Count from 1 to 49. On each count raise the finger tips up and press the palms down. you should not relax the hand between counts but continue to push the finger tips up and the palms down. There should be little external movement, but you should feel extreme tension in your wrist and lower forearms. Breathing throughout this should be normal.

A close up of the hand position.

That's it. None of the rest of the 12 positions are a great deal harder, but try it and you will feel exactly where this works.