This Documentary is going to get an Oscar i am almost sure of it. i Saw it on the 4th of July (fitting i think). I have to say i was extremely moved by it all,angered and saddened.
I have always Liked Moore's Documentaries despite the rampant critisisms that he gets for doing them. Unlike the others he has done which seems to sway more to the liberal and independant side of the spectrum, it would seem that this new film tries to unify the political spectrums and get the message out there that BOTH sides of the political fence are being screwed royally by the private healthcare system in this country.(although it would seem that the repubs in the high up in government seem to help the insurance companies along,but hey even hillary clinton,who was once an enemy of the health insurance companies sold out to them, just goes to show you that even a democrat has his/her price to keep their mouth shut )
I would think that as Martial artists and those of us who risk getting injured because of training and sparring and competing that it would be prudent for all of US to have a universal healthcare system so that we wouldnt have to pay out the a$$ to get medical attention should we need it. OR to get rejected by the healthcare providers because we sap more money out of their pockets because we engage in activities that are a physical health risk and therefore would cause
these privatized insurance companies to spend more money.

Sure we would have to pay higher taxes so that we could have this system of healthcare as WELL AS other things like College education etc etc. i wouldnt see a problem with doing so. Okay so there are some hitches and flaws to the system that other countries seem to have adopted. well let me ask you, are we as a country so perfect and is our system of healthcare flawless? I think NOT. There are always flaws in any plan and the GOAL i would think is to work on those flws so that all can benefit. we are supposed to be the greatest country in the world with freedoms that supposedly other countries do not have, yet are we really free? or do we just think we are because we have a constitution that guarantees our right to speak freely? Seems as though our "Freedoms" are just as conditional as the freedoms that other countries have as well.
I am troubled on many different levels at seeing this movie and looking at this issue finally, ive been so wrapped up in being anti-war and against the neo-conservative friendly fascist party that is running our country into the ground that i havent stopped to look at my OWN HEALTH and what would befall me if i were to really get sick. I pride myself in the health that i already have. I have done alot to maintain my health, good diet, excersise and training(running and such), Drinking green tea and getting and giving massages to keep the muscles stimulated and fresh. I wonder though, being a person who doesnt have health insurance who cant really afford a trip to the doctor, if i were to really get sick, and i mean really get sick, i would either be in so much debt that i would become homeless or i would be refused healthcare and have to deal with possibly dying of whatever ailment i have that could be easily treated.
The Rich would pay higher taxes correct? well SO WHAT? If you are being taxed based on your means to pay it and you are rich and like most wealthy you overspend and luxurize your life, then i think you as a wealthy american who apparantly Loves your country and people that you could pay into a system that would help to provide YOURSELF and your fellow citizens decent health care. Its not like you would be giving away all your wealth to the poor, you are just paying into a system that you yourself could benefit from.
You know maybe it is not so rosey and grand as i think it would be, but you know something people, it would be a HELL OF A LOT BETTER than what we have now.

i apologize for rambling like this, i needed to get this out of my head and express it. I felt that here in this community of people on this forum would be a good place for me to get it out of my system. I know there will be those who will have the other viewpoint and express it here,if they so wish, it is welcomed and awaited.
I hope that many go see this film, If the Neo-cons and repubs who dont like Moore can put aside that hatred for a moment and see this movie from a purely Health and human perspective,then i think you guys too can be moved like i was putting aside my independant/liberal bias that most neo-cons think that we have.

Peace and GOOD HEALTH to all of you, TWS