I'd like to throw out an idea I had about training vs. fighting....because I have something to say

My thought is that you should learn to fight as efficiently as possible but train like you are the most inefficient motherfocker ever born.

The problem I see with MMA is that they fight (at least the stand up portion) in a very inefficient way...this is partially dictated by the rules but also by the kind of macho attitude that surrounds it (ie I will out muscle, out cardio, out endure my opponent.)

The problem I see with the TMA is that there is this underlying assumption of "one hit ,one kill." That you're not going to have to go even 1 round let alone 10 because of your amazing skill.

But even the most skilled will one day meet there match and you may have to go for many rounds.

So the solution I think is to train for maximum fighting efficiency (and IMO internal arts have the market on effciency) but cross train so that you can tow the line if need be....ie jogging, calisthenics, weight training (if it doesn't interfere with your particular art.)

But don't learn to fight in an ineffcient way. Learn to end things quickly with the least expended effort.