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Thread: Green Dragon Studios

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  1. #11

    Random Thoughts about Green Dragon and the Kwan Ying Do System

    At a Q&A session I was attending (also on the Q&A video tapes), Sifu Allen mentioned having an extensive film library of Master Feeman Ong. Evidently, they had yearly demonstrations, which Allen helped film. He spoke of the huge difference between Ong and the so-called "celebrity masters" on the west coast (Ong being much better). After seeing his son Stephen perform, I regret never having had the privilege of seeing the Master Ong footage. At the end of the 1983 Kwan Ying Do demonstation video, Master Ong does break numerous bamboo rods (which are being held up only with newspaper), without ripping the paper. Unfortunately, there is no forms footage of Master Ong on this tape, due to a severe ankle sprain he sustained a few weeks earlier. You see him favoring his ankle as he walks up to the bamboo rods, and he actually slips and falls at one point during the rod-breaking performance.

    I'd be curious if anybody in this forum has seen the footage, or has witnessed Master Feeman Ong perform live.

    It has often been questioned on this forum if Allen really did train with Ark Wong. He mentioned it more than once at the Q&A sessions I had attended. I don't remember if he mentions that on the Q&A video tapes. If I remember correctly, he started, during his summer vacations, making treks out to California to train with Wong. I think he stated he had been with Ong approximately 4 years when he started training with Wong. He always spoke highly of Wong, and agreed with him regarding many things, including weapons training: You don't need years of empty-hand forms to be able to start weapons training. I have corresponded with a guy who trains in the Five Family/Five Animal Style. He told me he highly doubted Allen trained with Wong prior to watching the Q&A video tapes. After watching the tapes, he feels almost positive he DID train with Wong.

    Chuang Tzu
    Last edited by ChuangkTzu; 02-01-2007 at 03:02 PM. Reason: typo

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