Hello everyone, hope your training and your MA journey is progressing. I have been recieving alot of emails from WC enthusiasts regarding what seems to them to be an ever present onslaught of naysayers regarding WC effectiveness. Especially in todays world of MMA hysteria. Here is what I had to say to him . Maybe some of the younger practitioners (in terms of experience not age) might find this helpful on their personal journeys towards the truth.

Hi Sam,

Sorry it took so long for me to respond to your email below. One problem with the internet is that "everyone" has an opinion, whether its based on merit or not. Nine times out of ten, the people engaging in that type of dialog have no clue as to what they are talking about or are still immature in their MA growth. Again, as the saying goes, "There are NO bad martial arts just plenty of BAD martial artists". Every art has something to teach you potentially , if you are ready to listen,learn and most importantly, put the work in that will uncover the pearls of the "journey".

As for WC , any intelligent and mature MA familiar with WC, knows that Wing Chun itself does not need to be defended ,as it speaks for itself regarding its effectiveness. You just cant refute(yet) the laws of motion and physics. However, despite that, there are more unqualified WC people that really do lack skill and/or understanding then ones who do. The same is also true of all the arts. There was a time early in my Martial Arts experience were things like this bothered me, but that was before I truly understood what "My Truth" is. Challenging someone's art form under the context you discribed is usually engaged in by insecure or nefarious individuals who still don't get it or who are up to no good . (never argue with fools)

How you train your art goes right to the heart of what your results will be..good, bad or ugly. You have to decide what you are really trying to accomplish with the art form and then decide whether or not you have the commitment needed to achieve the reality you seek, be it in WC or any art. Always ask questions and analise all the possable answers and be diligent in giving new ideas their due process through effective training before drawing your own conclusion.

So you see, any dialog regarding WC in itself being an effective MA is germaine to what the real issue is .....the real dialog that people should be having is with themselves, regarding their own motives and their own self esteem. Always ask your self the questions....Have you trained hard enough, have you understood and trained correctly and is your current method bringing you closer to your ultimate objective of knowing yourself . If so you can defeat the true enemy (yourself). When the man in the mirror is "right" then the question becomes irrelevant. The truth is different and yet the same for all of us...know yourself first, then strive to express "yourself" honestly, everything else will work itself out.

My truth is TRADITIONAL WING CHUN, I am 1000% convinced. Yet I do not perceive, internalize or express it in the exact same way as my kung fu family does (how could I.... then I wouldn't be me). WC is a great blueprint, the archetects did a brilliant job. However, you must seek to bring your WC alive instead of being a carbon copy or an imitation of someone else's expression.
Any success I have acheived in my training is because along the way, through hard work, I found "myself" in kung fu and understand what "my" needs are in combat. Still a work in progress.

Seek your truth (who knows where that will lead) and do not let external influences make decisions for you.

All the best on your journey little brother!!

Sifu Moore