PR Decline Bench .... man its nice being a noob and hitting pr's every week.

a. decline bench
135 x 8; 160 x 8; 185 x 5; 215 x 3; 235 x 1; 245 x 1; 265 x 1 PR

b. db bench
70s x 4; 55s x 10, 10, 9, 7

chest supported rows + seated db cleans superset
csr - 45 x 10, 10, 9
sdbc - 20 x 12, 11, 10

c. hammer curls
40s x 4; 30s x 6, 5, 4

d. abs
very minimal ... was exhausted

e. dips
also very minimal ... just body weight ... 8, 8, 10 ... gym was starting to creep me out at this point anyway. thank you marcus for planting that seed