well ... i dont know from where to start mantis 108 ... it´s difficult for me to express my self in english ... for the taoists everything in the universe is made of the same essence, the same energy so ... what we can see in the nature and stars we can also see it in the humans ... thats why they always use the nature to explain the human behaviors ... when taoists talk about North Star they talk about our instinct that guide us during life ... connecting with the North Star means connecting with our instinct and our true nature ...

the taoists believe that when we born we receive from the "heavens" a "destiny" ... this "destiny" is not something that we must do in this life but is "the way" we should live this life, our nature, our North Star that show us the path we must walk.

when we born we are in perfect harmony with this "destiny" ... thats why a baby is so pure ... but when we grow up we get influences from the material world and we loose this connection with our instinct and with our "North Star" ... to live in health and to grow as individuals we must find again "the way", we must reconnect with "destiny", we must live following our own nature and insticts that we had born with ... we must follow the North Star that is inside of us ...

this is the main point of taoist meditation, qigong and taiji ... when you live by your own nature your are in harmony with the "heavens" because the "heavens" gave you that nature so ... if you are in harmony the "heavens" you are in harmony with everything and that is what some call "illumination". "illumination" in nothing more then living by the "heavens will", by you own nature.

taoists believe when you live following the North Star you live by the same padrons then wind, rain, plants, animals, stars, whatever ... so you dont have to racionalize your living ... everything flows in perfect harmony because you are part of that harmony... everything happens the way it should ...

i hope you can understand what i said and that this make sense to you ... i can go in deep explanations and a lot of more detailed theory about any specific question you have about this ...
