i'm sorry,

i'm sure most of you are being very sarcastic, but not one of you have said that this is just a street fight. it looks like one may have some backyard wrestling moves, but in the many street fights i've either been in or witnessed its the same thing you saw on the tape, except neither were any real fighters.

i was just talking to one of the forum members and i admitted that after hearing some of the names of grappling techniques such as the guillatine i realized i also have some grappling within my own arsenal, its just more street than professional because the guillantine is one of my favorite moves even as a kid.
i've realized that i naturally sprawled when people went for my legs.

to this date i've never learned wrestling, but as a fighter i've learned these things by getting into fights and asking myself how did he do that. so now, i'm considering studying more grappling.

anyways going back to that vid clip, there was no "MMA" at all. just street fighting. i think its natural to try to get the upper hand so if one is on his back the other will naturally mount to gain control.

i recently saw a street fight in my old neighborhood as i was driving by so i went around the block cuz i can't resist a good street fight and saw these two in the street throwing blows. neither landed one beause they were equally fast and evasive. so when the cops pulled up neither one had landed anything. still can't decided whether it was a good fight because both had good defensive skills or neither had any good striking skills.

oh well.