
It is appropriate and much needed to call to task the failure of Gov't to respond to this disaster.. we can pretend that everything's okay and let it happen again, OR.. we can make it so hot that it will never happen again..

4 days after the impact there was still no organized presence, the Salvation Army was ahead of the G'ovt..

Tuesday mid-day, the executive office of the federal Gov't should have ordered immediate airlifts of food and water to the area.. we have the means and ability to have made it so by Wed. morning.. This nations leader should have made an executive decision and over-ridden any obstacle to getting basic life sustaining supplies to those unfortunate people.. mobilized every available delivery system (mainly helicopters), staged at public and private distribution centers, written vouchers for commandeered goods, and delivered the goods.. To use red-tape as an excuse to validate this debacle is pathetic..

Gang and race arguements have no place here.. regardless of their race or religion, the people of N.O. were abandoned.. they are people first, our brothers and sisters.. save their lives THEN worry about the rest..

To imply that anyone is blaming anyone for the hurricane is too lame to consider replying to.. it is a natural event.. one that could occur at almost any time.. it could happen again next week.. No, people are demanding accountability for indecision and chaos.. the leader failed to lead.. this is when a leader is needed most, it is when they rise to the task, or stumble.. It must be clear that this must never happen again..

Be well..