I don't think anyone is blaming the military or law enforcement officiers. They are limbs that follows the commands of the brain (political machine).

The problem really is the ignorance of the present Administration IMHO. In the Clinton era, there are no less potential disasters both human and natural. Remember the millenium bug? It was treated with so much attention that it went without a hitch. If I am not mistaken, the effect of that actually helped when the 911 attack hits one of the most important financial centers of the world. So financial infrustructure was shaken but not stirred. The western world didn't quite suffer the impact tha the AQ terrorist and its supporters anticipated. The economy went on to do business as usual. But look at the impact of this incident on the economy, this is going to have a ripple effects if not the immediate impact already taking its toll. Hurricane in the gulf area is not a new thing. Yet, oli refinaries are concentrated there? No one (in previous and present Administrations) has the foresight to tell that could seriously handicap energy policy and subsequently and most importantly the economy? What kind of leader leads from behind or in a private ranch remote controlling things (if that even was happening?) This is like putting all eggs in one basket and hope or in Mr Bush motto "pray" that nothing bad and only good will happen.

Once again, I think TCB is right again about the people who are stuck in a place where they were left alone and let down by the government. The message all along was clear to them that they should do whatever they can to fend for themselves. They were not give consideration at all even now. Honestly, they would not be the vulernables element of the society if they have the ability to fend for themselves. This is why you have the government to lead and to aid the needy (or at least one in a civilizated world should be) not to whup azz (sorry pun). It is sad that elitism and slave owner mentality (the suppressed and enslaved weaker kind fought back in desperate cry for help) is still pretty much alive in a democratic super power or at least it is preceived. It is not only a shame in Amerian history but also a major black eye on humanity anthropologically.

The human and economic lost during the Bush Administration (a reflection of Republican reigem and mindset - not that it's wrong) seems more and more likely to root away the stable foundation of a great nation.


PS TaiChiBob, I think we are pretty much on the same page, my friend.