It was definitely not a fight, the equivalent of two wrestlers grappling pretty much .... or like, half chi sau/half grappling.

What is bothering me a little bit is the competitive side of me. I've done this type of thing with other players and walked away happy not thinking twice about it because I knew, no matter how much the other might say one thing or the other, that I could have demolished them. If they didn't feel that way, it was because I edited myself to the lower common denominator to keep it fun and not be intrusive to someone who didn't want to fight and just have fun.

With Emin it was different. We wanted to keep it level headed, but at the same time he wanted to demonstrate to me why it would be foolish to fight him and I wanted to make it clear that I would have beaten his a$$ ..... I for one am not satisfied that is the case. There were moments when I certainly had him. He shot on me twice and twice my forearm sprang into action between us resting on his neck/collor bone ... to quote him, "Just checking, wanted to check your level."

But, at the same time, he did get me in a bear hug and I had his head in a lock but he had lifted me pretty much off the ground. I had one foot on the ground but no root. I looked at him and said, "At this point we'd go down."

I tell myself, well, if we went down I would regain full body leverage and have his head .... not bad. But the fact that he uprooted me in that exchange really bothers me. I was vulnerable, or at least lost control of the action. This is the first time this has happened to me in about 6 months of fighting.

For that reason, this little thing bothers me most of any martial thing that has happend to me, certainly more than my San Da loss because I'm much more rounded now than I was then.

I keep thinking he's put his wrestling training into his Wing Chun, because his structure was really good. No leaning back or vertical balance. The ba$tard was good.