In the end, I have to say the man has power and technique. It was wise for him not to fight me because with all his students their he'd have to hold nothing back, and I didn't go there with the camera to lose. It probabaly would have left someone, if not both of us, injured. I don't feel I was good enough yet to take him out cleanly, that I would have eaten something for my efforts.
Doesn't this statement pretty much back up the logic used by some of the Sifu that you challenged (e.g Sifu Parrella) as you relate below..."

Now, this was different than some folks who say they're worried about insurance and being sued.
From a third party view of what has been said over these many months (coming from me, a general forum lurker and a person with no ambition to fight and in fact spend most of my time avoiding them), it seems that while people like Sifu Ross actually accepted your challenge with the stipulation that chances of injury be minimized (which frankly seems to a logical and prudent thing to do), Sifu Boztepe expertly avoided one by stroking your ego a little. In the end this says more about your path then it does of either men don't you think? You say things like:

My interest in you is not for building my reputation, it is to close this matter. Sport is sport. Fighting is demolish the other man or be demolished.
If you truely believe in the last sentence, then why would you say "It probabaly would have left someone, if not both of us, injured. I don't feel I was good enough yet to take him out cleanly, that I would have eaten something for my efforts." Isn't dealing with the injuries part of true fighting? I don't fight because I realize that for the most I'd be the person eating the floor and I can't afford to deal with injuries because of my profession (And I say this as a person with not an unsizable ego).

I guess I don't really know who you are, but since you have posted these things in a public forum, I guess it isn't unreasonable or inappropriate for someone to point out some inconsistancies in your arguements as one sees them.