Hi All,

My first post here.
I have been looking the forum and want to ask about completeness in any system.

Southern Styles are most effective but most seem to be limited to stand up situations. A lot of so called anti-grappling techniques aren't always based on reality. e.g. being face on to an attacker (unlikely), you may have been tackled from behind etc.

What is Chinese grappling?
Do any southern Kung Fu have this within the system?
Can Chinese grappling compare to BJJ (I mean the techniques would have to be the same or at least very similar)?

In fairness, I think to be complete you must be at least a compentant ground fighter. Strike and Submission fighting is not reality but it shows a lot for any martial artist (e.g. reactions etc.).
Finally in order to be good like anything you must train and train hard. I have never seen any chinese grappling at all... or training in any kung fu, why is this?

So is there really completeness or are we left to do what Bruce did (not philosophical)?


Piercing Light