I just moved from California to Arizona a few months ago. I've been wanting to study kung fu for a very long time but the town I'm from only had Aikido and Karate. So I studied Karate for a year and a half but never really liked it. Anyways, I found a Hung Ga school but it's about 2 hours away from my new city. That's not exactly close but I'm willing to drive there a couple times a week to train. Since I've never studied Kung Fu, can someone tell me what things I should look for or ask when I make a visit to the school?

Is it considered rude for a prospective student to ask about the training i.e. do they teach practical application of the techniques/forms taught? And does it make a difference if the Sifu was taught by a well known instructor or is that basically just a selling point and should not enter into consideration?

Here's the school I'm interested in training at, in case some of you with more knowledge can tell me if it's worth checking into or not.
