OK, I'm not trying to win the award for most consecutive posts in a 24 hour period. I just happen to have a little extra time this last day or so. A rare thing for me.

My dilemma: I don't want to be a fat Tai Chi stylist. Wu training encourages you to look to Chi, not muscle strength for power, speed, etc. I have heard it further stated that muscle-developing exercises are counter-productive to Tai Chi training. Well ... thats great if you're one of those guys who can eat cheese burgers and stay ripped even while sitting behind a computer all day. I know guys like that, but I'm not one of them. I eat well, and I exercise and I can't drop a gawddamm ounce of weight. I used to teach Kempo professionally, and it took 4 months of 70 hours per week of training/teaching to finally drop some weight. When I stopped teaching, I gained it ALL back in 3 weeks. I sh#t you not, three weeks.

My question: what strength and leanness training can I do that will not interfere with the goals of Tai Chi? I know its a loaded question, but does anyone have a similar experience and a suggestion or 2?
