Hi guys,

I was wondering if any of you had chance or maybe trains on regular basis with some of the best kungfu instructors/masters there are.
If yes who are they ( names please) ? What impressed you really in their skills? was it speed? or iron body conditioning or maybe something else ? please share your experiences.

I know David Ross aka lkfma trained Chan TaiSan ( BTW great thread about him here).
If I am not mistaken Mo Lung is from Sydney,Australia and trains Chen Family ChoyLeeFut - so maybe Mo Lund you train under Chen Yongfa ?if yes what impresses you in training with him?

I would be greatful if you guys could share your impressions on traing with kungfu greats.

I had chance to train under a few good masters both in CMA and other MA but the people who impressed me the most were in CMA Chen Yongfa ( I was on seminar with him ) - my impressions after several hours of trainig with him ? Not very big guy, very fast, accurate, great knowledge, very energetic, stroong voice for a small guy and very ,very humble.
Other great master I had chance to train under was Tair Narimanov - jujitsu expert from Moscow. Also great knowledge about MA in general, very, very technical, does grapppling and throws almost effortlessly, sparrs and competes evene though he pushes 40.Great guy.

I look forward to your answers
