Being an active duty soldier, I have almost no way of being able to train under one person for any length of time, since I've been jumping from obscure places in the USA to Europe, and points elsewhere for some time now. With this limitation, I've purchased a few of Tat Mau Wong's videos. They are pretty useful, and tend to echo what I've been trained on in the past. What I find curious is that, as far as I can tell, he uses a belt system. Has this become the norm in CLF? My last instructor always told me "Belts are for holding your pants up."
I'm not in any way saying Master Wong is a bad instructor. Quite the contrary. I'm just curious as to why he went to such a system, and if it is pretty common these days.
I also purchased a few Doc Fai Wong videos, but wasn't too satisified with them, except the plum blossom broadsword one. Anybody else have comments on his tapes?
Finally... what other videos/DVDs are good for training in CLF?

Thanks for reading my scattered and disjointed post.
