I've been debating about posting this, but since PHILBERT just busted me for my past indiscretions with Klingon martial arts, IKF just ran a piece in there Feb 2005 issue about it. The author, Jason McNeil, who Kung Fu Tai Chi readers will remember for writing some interesting letters to us about our Lou Reed issue fishes for a conclusion at the end and uses the forward I wrote under my Shaolin disciple name, Xing Long. He's kind about it, calling me "illustrious" and ""no less an authority" but in all truth, I wrote that because I was feeling a little guilty about how much money they paid me to lay out their cover, so I through that forward in for free. I hope he realises it's me he's quoting since he talks to my old Sifu, Wing Lam and the author of the book, Chet Braun, and they were both accomplices in that work.

It's nice to know I'm still well thought of in competiting publications.