There are quiet a few people that reject Chen as "real" Taiji.

OTOH, he himself admits to only teaching the PRC forms and not the traditional family styes.


We teach Yang–style Taijiquan, as standardized by the Chinese National Sports Committee.


One reason for this I think is due to the meeting of a few Masters that decided to call their art "Internal Arts" and because there were no Chen stylists there.

In the end I think it is feeble attempt to make their style and what they do look better by saying "theirs is not the true xyz".
1.His form has Chen style very obviously incorperated into it.
2.None of the forms he says he emphasises in his Yang style curriculum is Yang style, or was intended to be Yang style.

So you can't really take what this guy says in regards to labeling styles seriously. If he doesn't know the make up of his own forms, how would he know what something he doesn't practice is or isn't?