So, I was at the grocery store after class and as usual I dropped my keys into the bottom of the basket since there are no pockets in my workout pants. I get to the line and the young guy rings up the groceries and hands me my keys saying I probably don't want to lose them and asked if they went to a mustang. I said no, just a truck but I've only had it for about 26 hours. He asked what year it was and I told him and he asked if I wanted to trade for his old piece of junk. I laughed and said probably not get this...quite naturally and w/o any thought at all I replied with "That's ok, when I was your age I had a piece of junk too".

'...when I was your age...'


Holy crap

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ.

I'll be killing myself now, thank you very much.

Anyone remember "Logun's Run"?