This is a question for you guys that have really fought.

I know joint locking has its place, especially if you're a police officer or in a litigious society and can't afford to damage the other person.

Or if you're in a social gathering where someone gets rowdy and you don't want to destroy the person.

But in a fight or competition, do you have the luxury to apply chin na techniques?

I've found that grabbing a punch that is thrown and applying a joint lock is initially difficult in a drill, though I imagine one eventually gets good at it. But drills are artificial and when the opponent is free to strike as they like, the limb may not come out in the way you need.

So I guess what I'm really wondering is, do you guys mainly concentrate on strikes with maybe one or two tried and true chin na techniques, or do you find having a larger repetoire of joint lock techniques to cover more bases helpful in practice?
