I was looking at this site so I decided to give my opinon here. At a first glance I was thinking to myself that this would be an interesting read to say the least. I thought the site was going to be good for distancing traditional martial arts from what we call "mcdojos". The first article I read was about a person realizing after 2 years of training and a black belt that he couldn't defend himself. The article was well written and covered the aspects that made his training ineffective, including no knowledge of forms application and lack of sparring to not being exposed to other "real" martial artists. My first impression of this site was a good one. I thought someone had finally come up with a good tool to use for both begginers and "experienced" practitioners to judge their training and find a school that teachers real traditional martial arts.

I was wrong.

Reading further into the site i realized that this first article was the exception to the entire site. The rest was for "practioners of MMA" to bash all traditional martial arts. What was happining was they essentially labeled all schools Mcdojo's that don't practice "grappling/groundfighting" as seen in the UFC. The majority of this site is just there to bash and make fun of traditional martial arts. One of the worst things i saw was on their forum where a traditional practitioner was trying to justify his school by telling them how they "somtimes practice BJJ". The problem is it is just the same kind of blabbering ignorant nonsense that pimple faced fat trolls like we see on here try to spread. What the web needs is a site that distigushes real fighting traditional arts from what we would call a mcdojo.

You can see the site here www.mcdojo.com