Quote Originally Posted by boxerbilly View Post
Anyway, I understand other people of non white origin getting upset over this that and everything else but again. Whites are like 80 percent of the market. Almost EVERY market in the US. So it sort of make good business sense to market to the largest demographic. I hate to break to everyone. America is a WHITE country. That's the reality.
and I hate to break it to you, but the biggest percentage of the consumers are black. in general, we spend, you save. black people boycotting Nike, for example would put them out of business. That's the actual reality.


I personally am sick and tired of hearing how we white do all this bad stuff. Heck everyone race did bad stuff to another at one point in time or another. Get over it! Or we cant move on ever. But stuff like white advantage. Heck, I lost a job to a black guy because of affirmitive action. And I know I was the better person at that trade because I trained that EXACT black guy. Was I mad ? Nope. That's life dudes ! Glad he got hired because he deserved a great job too and he was very good at that trade because I trained him !
there are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, it's the black person who gets shafted. Native Americans are a close second. No need to discuss anything like this here though, that would make the whole thread go south.

Anyway, its all nonsense to divide us.
we've been divided since the 1800s. that is something that has never changed. it's presented differently - slavery in the 1800s, segregation in the early to mid 1900s, etc. But it's always been there.

It would be like me going to China and complaining about the Chinese problem there. Keeping po'whitey down !
But the Chinese are native to China, so that's not the same. Neither blacks nor whites are native to the US.