Hello friends,

The purpose of this thread is solely for information gathering purposes. In NO way is it to show disrespect to Grandmaster Lau or anyone from her Ying Jow Pai lineage.

That being said...

A few years ago I noticed that her website had a link to various branch schools across the U.S.A. of sifus/masters/disciples of her. A short time later, on the same website..I noticed that the link for the different branch locations had been removed. In place of the link was a statement saying something to the effect of(very much paraphrasing so please excuse any inconsistencies) that sifus certified under grandmaster Lau were required to resubmit requests for yearly testing (?), certifications,financial dues,etc...if they wanted to stay current in the federation(It would seem perhaps to continue to be allowed to claim to teach Ying Jow Pai and operate a business claiming as such?? Not sure...but that *seemed* to be the gist of it).

I am merely asking if anyone knows if there is a resource I might avail myself to in order to find the original list of any associated instructors of Grandmaster Lau across America. I currently live in South Carolina.

In looking back, I probably should have jotted the list of whom and what locations the different sifus were in. I guess hindsight is 20/20.

I'd please ask if those who reply could please stick to the topic rather than see into what I am saying and/or try and imply something disrespectful, political or w/ hidden motives. Thank you.
