Let't take a break from usual discussions which are killing this form and make people go away ( with my great help I must admit ) and talk about some bright subjects . So...have you ever taught WCK to kids ? What are the challenges and how did you resolve them ? In my experience , teaching WCK to kids have couple of serious obstacles .
First and most important is level of physical development , more precisely , coordination and motor skills. While some other arts like Tae Kwon Do , Long Fist or modern WuShu do not require high level of coordination and developed motor skills and in fact they help kids to develop exactly these skills ,WCK from the very beginning requires fully developed fine motor skills and coordination.This is a major problem ,especially with kids under the age of 10.
Second , very important obstacle is attractiveness . While arts I've mentioned before have large number of forms , movements , acrobatics ...and all these things are pretty easy to learn from a coordination and motor skill perspective , and there are large number of them so kids can learn something new every time they come to practice and they can easily see their development and advancement .Arts with this technical foundation give the opportunity to the instructor to develop a large number of games and drills that involve some kind of game , and that is extremely interesting for kids,WCK on the other hand is totally opposite , it has limited technical foundation which is not easy to learn and master even for adults , space for games and game like drills is pretty limited and kids can find that rather boring and not interesting .
One more problem is safety during chi sao practice . Due to the lack of control and children's nature risk of injuries is very high .To decrease risk of injuries chi sao drills must be modified and kids must be under supervision all the time .
Here is short clip from one of my classes .

So... if anyone has any experience working with kids it would nice to share it here