Quote Originally Posted by SKM View Post
Agreed. I am 64 years old and if anything, by virtue of decades of conditioning, I am better than ever, even with my disabilities. Within the last month, two muggers contemplated robbing me in the parking lot of the local grocery store and there was an attempted home invasion. In both cases, I just looked at them, and waited. In both cases, they backed down because they sensed I was not afraid. Training has eradicated fear within me. I had no fear or other emotions but was in that still quiet space before combat that my training has taught me. They knew they would be getting into something they did not know what. I was prepared to kill because going into combat, my training has taught me to have no moral constraints if I am forced to engage the bad guys. If they are ruthless and mean, I am more ruthless and mean. The bad guys want an easy mark. They are hesitant to go into an engagement they sense will not be easy. Win, lose, or draw, they pay. Guaranteed they will pay. You young guys are hung up on age. Do not train for the glory and fame of youth. Train for your old age. You want to be an effective martial artist? Train until you slip in your own sweat then train some more; train until you go to one knee, get up, then train some more; train until you pass out. When you wake up, train some more. Train until you do not have any bright ideas, then you start to understand that still quiet space in between the calm and the combat. You spend too much time talking, talking, talking. To remedy your ignorance get into serious combat training, then you will understand. You might just save your own life.

Yup- depends on who the person is and what they have done and are doing.