Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
Hendrik is just defending himself against baseless attacks.....

True. I was never impressed with S&C in their video presentation. And if real S&C was a secret- it should be kept a secret.

IMO Hendrik in part brought it on himself with his earlier alliance with S&C to buttress his POV on wc history.And now he speaks approvingly of
a marketing video machine and a couple of his friends for "historical research".

When the brush is moved away and the constant and overdone repetition of his own view of the bows and flows and his preferred terms and labels... much of it is present in
good contemporary wing chun. He is trying to preserve YKWC but that battle is lost already- with other YK people mixing CLK and Hung ga in what they do
and Hendrik's limited amount of effective teaching and the compulsive volume ad absurdum of posting.

AFAIAC- Hendrik can have his own thread rather than cluttering multiple threads.

I am not attacking Hendrik but the content and repetitious volume of his postings.


1. I give credit to all Wck lineages equally based on facts be it YKWC or any other lineages.

2. I am not trying to preserve YKWC but the content of YKWC has been preserve research ,and secure today in many location world wide by many wcners.

3. Verifiable data of 1850 have been sorted out .

4. DNA of 1850 has been identify and implemented by many wcners .