This might sound ridiculous, but then it might be true, but do you really need to be able to kill people easily if you want to practice martial arts? My old instructor, who was Chinese, used to say that if you can't go off to a remote country, and start shooting people left right and centre when there is a righteous cause (he used Vietnam War as an example) then you are not a warrior, and that you have no ultimate place in chinese martial arts. It aint that easy in my minds eye, to go to Sudan tomorrow and start shooting and stabbing armed assailants like flies even though there is a conflict.

He stated you know within yourself if you can walk up to someone with a sniper rifle and shoot them in the face, and that aint a joke. He said that buddhist monks aren't really like this, but the shaolin monks are which is why they practice kung fu. Funny thing is, I tried getting into the army reserve but was rejected because I was taking some medication (not for depression) but I never really imagined shooting people dead.

So if your a peaceful person should you focus on being more like Kuan yin or the dalai lama and act like a peaceful fool at times and drop martial arts, whereas if you are just but aggressive then focus on cultivating a character like Guan Yu? He said if your not Guan yu your not kung fu.