Quote Originally Posted by GoldenBrain View Post
I don't think a person should be labeled a health nut just because they use common sense when eating. I applaud you sir!

It's to bad about what happened to Fukushima. I ran across a study the other day that showed a pretty scary model of the radiation plume heading for North America. It appears that the plume is not dispersing in the ocean as much as they would have liked and so it may be more concentrated than expected when it hits the coast. That along with the crap loaded into the Gulf of Mexico and I can understand you not wanting to eat seafood.

Forgive me for saying "you should" but if you want to continue to eat clean seafood then you really should consider a small home aquaponics system. If you have any room on a balcony or porch or in the yard then you can set up a small 250 gallon system which would supply you with all the fish and leafy green veggies you could eat. If you raise tilapia then you can grow up to one fish per gallon, though I'd only recommend about 50 - 100 fish for that size tank. Also, you can set up another small tank to grow duck weed or spirulina which would give you all the fish food you need.
Cool suggestion! Thanks! Though I rarely ate seafood as it is, though I do like it.

Something also not talked about much is the concept of clouds that form off of the Pacific...the water that becomes the storm clouds. This, of course, makes it a global problem not limited to Japan/the Pacific/west coasts of U.S., Canada, etc. It's really disconcerting that something so small (the Fukushima plants) relative to the planet could likely/potentially create such wide-reaching destruction. I have heard it's much worse than even Chernobyl. Pretty much makes liars out of all those 'experts' who used to say how much cleaner and safer nuclear power is.

Back to eating meat, I do still eat poultry. I used to love beef and pork when I gave them up, but haven't miss them at all.