Quote Originally Posted by SHemmati View Post
the complete SongShan Shaolin styles and their clear and hidden contents have always been taught via the forms and their combat applications and sparring.
I didn't say, or mean to imply that Songshan originally had no forms, only that the importance and prominence of form training has grown drastically over the many years, to the point of absurdity.

How many forms are there in Songshan now? I've been told 200, 300? I've read as many as 1,000! There comes a point where, for all intents and purposes, all your doing is form training. That wasn't what it was originally about and true "traditionalists" should be making a move back to fundamental training, developing individual gongs, doing one skill thousands of times until the technique is mastered, not collecting hundreds of very similar forms in different arrangements.

This is "da realz" Kung Fu.